Monday 11 February 2013

Me Versus Mindset

MINDSET, what is it? do I really knows what its all about? of coz not because I just use it when I tried to represent something regarding on something base on my mind. 1 + 1 = 2 is mindset, criminal goes to jail is a mindset, artist with beautiful painting is a mindset and so on..But forget about that, it wasting time to recover every single thing about that and sorry I'm not interested

What I do really interested is the way we use our mindset regarding on something vital call PERSONALITY. How personality actually plays a big role in our life? do it really effect our life, jobs and people around us? The best answers on this modern era is YES. In most people point of view set their mindset as personality is one of the most important part to be judge isn't it? Personality describe and ensure all the models make a good money and sustained in their career.

But now, let see how personality and my mindset works towards my live and my jobs. I do realize, a lot of people I met lately proud of what their have and their title. They use the title to stand the world  and look down to the other people. Take this for example, EXECUTIVE, its a big title isn't it? it comes together with a good income and luxurious life for sure. But now a days, executive is just a title given but doesn't mean you are earn a lot. So please act like what you got coz at the end, the most important thing to look up is the outcome. I rather call a good for nothing, dress like a beggars with my long hairs and roaming around like nothing but hold something that not everybody had. So please, forget about the title, your jobs, your money or what ever and jump in to the others world and experience what they have been face before so you can really understand what the world is. Is easy if we just sitting on the chair behind the table and pretend like you are the boss, roaming around like Donald Trump, smart appearance with the most latest gadgets. The question is, do you really work like your personality? Do the company satisfied with your jobs? If YES, then Alhamdulillah but if NO, What is going to happen when you are  fired because you are good for nothing? Its a big fail and real ashamed if somebody shows you the way out and you struggling outside to find a better life.  Its much more better if we rethink again about our personality towards our achievement coz I do believe like I heard before " the best degree is come from the street "

So the time is come, there is no rooms for people like this here, stop  pretending like you are the best when you are not, stop make fun on other people and the most important things is, please and please do not take advantage from other people sacrifices. We have to realize, somebody in somewhere dress like shit and act like the most fuckers people on earth but earn the most respect from other people.

This is what I see and this is what I experience before. I do judge people coz I dare to be judge by others as well. This is me and this is what I believe. I stand the world with my own feet and rise my family from every single sweat  come out from my skin.But unlucky coz I don't have a lot of money But I was lucky coz have something call BRAIN and MOUTH and I do use both of it to feed my family. 

I write this not because I want to judge anybody but to remind myself to always be myself  coz if I change the way I am, is not just change who I am but is also change the life direction of my family. I experience sickness, I experience poverty, I experience pressure  and everything else BUT, I do manage to find the way out. This is me and this is how I live. A cup of tea, A box of cigarette and  a peace family is more than enough for me.  I'm not looking for wealthiness and I'm not looking for richness. What I want is smooth and easy life circle. Me is always me and you is always you. Read it if you want it, apply it if you like it coz no matter who I am and no matter who you are, it really doesn't matterr. What matter is, only you and me knows it.      


  1. Title will remain as a title...nothing more nothing less...Its up to you to fill it in or just leave it empty...

    Nice piece...=)

    1. kasi leave it half full half empty la boss

  2. Title can gives u advantages n disadvantages..its just up to u how u act and work out to show the real meaning of the title..
    (ala,title sy PUAN saja..semua perempuan buli dapat..kekekeke)

    1. title aku datuk jak kan mantan datuk bandar
