Tuesday 28 May 2013


Another stupid junk with a bloody hell tittle full with bullshit. But, its look like I don't really care coz I just wanna express what I feel lately. After calculation to another calculation, it comes with this formula and the outcomes mostly not really the answers. Forget about it coz sometimes it good not to know the answers.

What I do really know about time? what life is all about? where the problems come from? with this question, of coz the answer is, "this is a big problem". No matter how fast I run to chase the time, the time is still not enough for me. or maybe I have to use Train a Grande Vitesse the fastest conventional train to chase it? or maybe there should be more than 24 hours in a day or less than 24 hours. Of course in a day it can be more or less than 24 hours but no body are brave enough to change the format coz it will make everybody busy to change everything especially the watch factory. Take a look at this, if in 1 hour equals to 90 minutes, it means there will be 16 hours per day. If 1 hour equals to 45 minutes, it will be 32 hours per day. But the problem is, are this two new numbers of hours are enough for us? are we gonna solve everything with it? for me the answer is simple YES, I CAN'T  and I don't really sure if anybody can. Ussain Bolt breaking the world record in 100m but still working hard to make it better. 

So, take a look at our life. is it really good, are we happy with it or it full with bullshit call problems. some people said, synchronize your life and the time your have so you will enjoy your lifetime, But how to synchronize it? some people said problem will never be a problem as a long as we know how to manage the time. time is already given and it sharp 24 hours so please be nice with it coz I don't really know how to manage it. some people said time is gold but its funny coz gold is always a gold and never be a time. So, maybe we are the one call problems coz maybe we are the one who never satisfy with what we have. Robertson Family turns ducks into multi billion empire but looks like they still looking for something better. Forget about this coz the more you read the harder it can be and maybe it will lead to another problem.

After think, and  re-think again, I end up with the outcomes call problems. So, maybe I have to use some logics to make sure that problems towards my life will become more colorful and more beautiful. maybe this is the time to smile coz I was lucky and you are lucky coz neither me or you own all the problems, or maybe I have to stop comparing with others coz I don't really have any idea what their journeys is all about, or maybe its true like the old man saying don't ever cry about the past coz its gone, don't worry about the future coz it hasn't arrive. focus on the present coz this is the reality and make it beautiful. fix what ever can be fix, repairs the errors and throw out all the rubbish to the place call history.

Maybe this is the time to call TIME as a powerful HEALS to us, LIFE is a safest PLAYGROUND that we ever had, and PROBLEMS can be define as US. This is gonna make sure that we can play and roam around like nothing ever happen in the most beautiful playground and let the times heals and fix what ever errors come along. But, still have to remember coz it will take some times so be nice and be patient with it. In other words, maybe I have to call it GIVE TIME SOME TIME.

This is a stupid theory but if we can pull out something useful from it, it will define how stupid we are. The good will ignore it coz the are in their comfort zone with their own theory and principal, while the stupid will keep on moving until they find a place that nobody ever been before. At the end of the day, we will sit together and one most valuable treasure call EXPERIENCE  will define who we really are.

Wednesday 8 May 2013


What happen is always a question no matter how we pronounce it, it doesn't really matter either you put a question mark or not, the word will still remain a question.Now, the problem is, do we really get the real answer if we throw this question to somebody else? sometimes the answer is a matter and most of the time its really doesn't a matter.

Take a look at this, more than 12 000 000 people go out and queuing in line to do their responsibilities towards the country in order to change the face of the country last week but, yesterday approximately more than 100 000 people gathering in one place just to show something is not normal has been happen. The question is WHY? WHAT HAPPEN?

Almost every single day, there are people died and killed in Syria and Palestine and its look like most of the people pretending like nothing BUT when 2 people died in Boston most of the top leader in all over the world express their condolence to them. The question is, WHY THIS THING HAPPEN ?

Some homeless go without eating, Elderly go without needed medicine, mentally ill go without treatment, troops go without proper equipment, veterans go without benefits that were promised. But we do keep on donating millions to other country to make sure they do not suffer from poverty and serious illness. Then, WHAT HAPPEN TO US?

Did you guys got the answers? I leave this one to you, yeah you and hope you guys realize what exactly has been happen around us, what has been happen to the land we love. Maybe some people will think that I'm suffer a serious illness, the answer is YES I DO. I am a serious mental retarded in my world that I create by my own self in my complicated imagination coz I love to talk about possibilities AND possibilities sometimes scared other people. Now, the question is WHY?

Think about the words BRAVE, CHANGE and CHANCE. Are we really brave enough? are we really  ready for a change? do we really got a second chance? Please guys give a CHANGE a CHANCE coz no matter how long we gonna live in this beautiful land, we are not gonna have all the time. We are not gonna have a million quality time and quality chance in our life. 

Please be brave enough to step forward, please take the chance before it goes and fade with our scary shadows and please change it before its to late coz no matter who you are and no matter who I am, Its really doesn't matter. What matter is and what are we really looking is, THE ANSWERS. This is because answers always become a question mark in the mind of those who wants to know what's happening

This is what always scared me, this is what I'm chasing for, this is what I'm looking for AND this is ME. The question is always a question, the answer is always a mystery and the mystery is always remain UNTOLD.