Saturday 3 November 2012

Can I... ? Can You... ?

This is just a simple question but it always make me wonder almost every time when some body throw this question to me, Can You? My answer is always a question mark, Can I?. A negative person like me is always calculating whatever outcomes when it comes to "maybe I can" or "maybe I can't". Some people call it, we have to play safe but there is still a big BUT, do the outcomes is really safe? So what is the actual answers? Am I really brave enough to say NO, I cant? or I'm too gentle to accept the challenge and say YES, I Can? No matter what is the answers, I still have to face two things just right after giving the answers. If I say I can, people will take in two different ways. First, maybe I really can. Second, it just a show off. If the opposite answer given, I can't, people will directly judge and forget to think our real capability and just simply think we are lazy and just living in our comfort zone. So, what is this all about? is it a question? is it an order? or it just a TEST?

Regarding on this matter, it brings me to a simple words call "The Power Of Believing". I have to believe in what I believe and forget about what others think. It doesn't really matter either I'm right or not coz its not them to determine the outcome but me. what ever result at the end of the story, people around me will just wait and give a comment on it. But it always comes a mystery coz in our society that we always promote a good attitude call " Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita " it make people give a very good respond and comment towards the result. If you succeed, people will say "you are really talented" and if you fail people will say "you already try your best and we appreciate your effort" But please bare in mind, don't ever take it for granted coz it shock you. That is not the real society we livin' in. It just an illusion, It just a sweet word to comfort you. So, what exactly happen? where is the mystery? Lets face the real world fella. This is our society, this is our community, this is our culture and this is the real " Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita " open your eyes and open your mind widely and get ready to jump into reality. You are going to get an impress comment at first in front of anybody else but in the different situation, provocation happen. Do you believe it or you just don't realize it. It doesn't really matter at this point and its not going to help you either. If you succeed, people will talk differently among them. You are going to hear this rumors roaming around " I can do better than him or if not because a help of his friend/relatives, he's not going to finish this task " If you fail, here's the famous word " I told you, he can't or if he can't do a simple task like this, how can we trust him to handle another task". Now, what exactly happen here? Is this the culture we believe? or it just a piece of s**t.

Now, what you guys think? are you really believe in what you believe or I'm just start to make you confuse? For get about this and lets take it in a positive way. here's the true story, a man born with no arms and legs and he always said I should have an arms, I should have legs, I can't do this, I can't do that, I'm not going to get married and I'm not going to get child, what kind of people I am? but that was before. Some of you maybe already knew him and some of you maybe don't. A small men with a big spirit that shock the world with his capabilities and he is NICK VUJICIC. He always said to his audience " Its a lie to think that you are not good enough and its lie to think that you are not worth anything" He believes in what he believe and because the power of believing he succeed to make people believe to believe him. Then now comes a time to ask our self, who am I? a normal human being with a complete figure. But, do I use my capabilities towards life? Do I ever make the world realize my existent? Do I belongs here? where was I'd been before? am I on the right track right now? What will happen to my future? Can I make my life worth to remember? Can I survive? Can I be like Nick Vujicic? Can I ? Can I ? Can I ? and a thousand of Can I will cross our mind and leave us with uncertainty with no possible answers. The only most nearest possible accurate answers is MAYBE but when?  Now, later, tomorrow, next year, next decade or NEVER. keep it for your self and answer it base on what you truly believe coz at the end of the day it will reveal who you are.

In order to find out the best illustration of life is only the realms of spirituality that we find the best explanation. As SWAMI VIVEKANANDA once wrote, “this inexplicable cycle of life and death can only be explained as Maya, an illusion. Beyond this lies our true self, our soul which is never born, that never dies, never changes and never goes or comes. Without birth or death, eternal, ever-existing, free, unchangeable and beyond all conditions is this soul of man , the real self of man”.

This real self is not easy as eating junk food to figure out coz our soul is hidden under the veil of Maya and it is only through the lens of life experiences that we can unveil the mystery and reacquaint ourselves with our hidden potentials. Just as a seed needs the right kind of soil, the perfect temperature, air and water to germinate, so too do we need the right circumstances to reveal our true nature. Without the proper opportunity our cherished ideals of bravery, courage, sacrifice, judgment, integrity and unconditional love would never fully manifest.

Think it, evaluate it, analyze it coz if it comes to me, I do really believe that there is something and always be something but still remain something untold.               


  1. sepanjang aku kenal ko nal. soalan "can I..?" tu mmg selalu dapat dijawab dengan, "yes, u can..." =)

  2. hahahahahaha..lepas tu tak dapat

  3. i totally agree with u..sometimes people are too afraid to criticize face to face, end up with talking behind your back. such a nice post :)

